Friday, July 25, 2008

Self Introdaction (10 years from now) essay 5?

Hi, my name is Ayami. Now, I am 32 years old. Too old isn’t it? But, I don’t want to looks is old, too. So, I am always care of my fashions and my feelings. I will introduce of my last 10 years.

When I was 22 years old, I was still going to university of 2nd grades. Because, before enter the university, I was studying English in U.S.A and Canada. That why, I was late to enter the University from my friends. My university life was nice to study English. So, now I’m working at English school. I graduate when I was 25 to be this year. After graduate, I wanted to study English in Canada again, so, I took working holiday visa and I flow about a year. I was working at Tully’s coffee when I was student. So, It was very easy to work Tully’s coffee in Vancouver. There’s staff was very nice to me. I could learn English from there.

After finish my working holiday, I start to work English conversation school until now. I love kids so, I teaching English for kids. My students are 3 to 10 years old. They’re vey great students. I have 3 classes for every day except weekends. When I was 26, I met nice guy. He is my husband now. We took together about a year and we married when I was 27 years old. I was wanted to get married until 30. So, I was kind like happy I could met nice buy.

Now, I have san and daughter they’re twins. San’s name is Kou and daughter is Riko. I wanted to give this name when I was high school student. They are so cute. They will be turn 3 years old this year. I think I will go back to my house for celebrate their birthday.

When I was young, I did every thing I want. My great parents let me to do every time. So, when my children grow up, I would let to do they want. Now, I am so happy because, I have nice husband and kids.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Can I have a free cup of coffee?