Friday, May 23, 2008
about this week
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Jason's Bus Ride
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
B-day cake for dad
today's dinner
Today was my father's B-day!!!!! he got 51 years old... he is old... any way so, we had b-day pairty. grand ma came to our house and celeblate together. this pic is b-day dinner for him^^ i helped mom. soup, pasta, salad, and fride chikin roll. was very delicious!!! soup was best!!!! chikin meat ball and tomato, onion and lattace. taste like tameto and consomme^^ pasta with shrinp and squid like peperoncino. fride chikin roll is inside with ume and shiso. ume was soooo sour but there were very good all of them!!! my mother is best cooker!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lunch Box
This morrning i wake up earlyer than every day and i felt like wanna cook. So, i cooked lunch for my dad, my brother and boy friend. this pic is not so clear... shrinp(soy taste) egg roll?? beansprout with green pepper(black pepper and solt, really sinple...) pork and cabbege(soy past taske) and salad(lettuce, tomato and cucumber^^) i love cook!!! so, some times when my mother is tird or she is not at home, i cook lunch for dad and brother.
Friday, May 16, 2008
movie essay
One day, Henry met Lucy at café restaurant. At the time they had good time each other, fun talk and laugh. Next day, Henry went same restaurant and same time. Also, Lucy is there. Henry sat down same table with Lucy but, she didn’t remember about him. After that, Henry knows about her sick. He falls in love to her. He leave to playboy life behind after he falls for Lucy and he made video every day for her. So, she can remember what happen every day with Henry.I watched this movie when I was in US. I really like Henry’s love. If you didn’t watch this movie yet, I recommend this movie!!!!! Would be makes you to beautiful hart.
this morning
First of all, Kumamoto has delicious local foods. Basashi is one of this. This is row hose meat. Other prefecture doesn’t eat row hose meat only Kumamoto does. It eats with fleshed sliced onion, fleshed grinded ginger or fleshed grinded garlic. That is because Kumamoto people started to eat row hose meat, still we are doing parade with hose ones a year that call “Fujisakigu aki no taisai” long time ago, after this parade, people killed hose and ate these hose meat. Many visitors, they try once when come to Kumamoto. And also, karashirennkon is Kumamoto’s local food. This is stuff with mustard into lotus root’s hole and after that, fried out. I love this with beer.
Second, about Mt. Aso. Mt. Aso has the biggest caldera in the world. On sunny day, go to drive, you will see very beautiful view from top of the mountain and also, you will see Japanese pastoral landscape. Mt. Aso is still an active volcano. Crater is one of tourist attraction on Mt. Aso. In crater, visiting many people from many country. There lots of hot spring in Mt. Aso, too. The people of a prefecture loves onsen for relaxing take tiredness of job or something in onsen.
Third, Most popular Kumamoto’s tourist attraction is Kumamoto Castle. There are in downtown. Kumamoto castle is one of biggest castle in Japan. Osaka, Nagoya and Kumamoto. This year, Kumamoto Castle became 400 year from build. So, many events taking place in castle.
In conclusion, I just explain 3things of Kumamoto but, more things to do, to eat and to see, we have. Kumamoto is not so big city but also not so small city. We have lots of delicious foods, beautiful mountain, nice hot springs, old cool castle, ocean, lots of nature… I can not count things about Kumamoto.
Monday, May 12, 2008
in the night, my 2 grand ma and my mum's sister came to my house and took dinner together and we chate a lot!! it was very nice time we had!! after dinner we had cake for dessert. ofcouse, i driped coffee^^lol and i gave present to mum and my aunt! they really gald to my present!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
PASSED coffee adviser test!!!!
This is authorize card of coffee adviser!!!!! I was really waitting for result after took test.... 2 days ago, my MG send me a e-mail and told result!!! I did study hard!!! Now, i can teach how to make coffee for i was sooooo happy when, my MG send me a e-mail!!! But, this authorize has deadline for 2 years... i thing when get over, i will take again!!!! i like coffee and i want to know about coffee more and more!!!!
Essay-1 Introduce my self
I live in Kumamoto city, Kumamoto Japan. There are not so big city but also not small city. It is comfortable to live here. We have the biggest caldera in the world in Aso Mt. I really love to drive to see beautiful view.
In University, my major is English. I am sophomore. Actually, I entered University in turn to 19 years old. But, I was studying America and Canada about 2 years. That why, I'm same grade my sister. I am learning Spanish for second language. I'm not really the best. This fact drives me to study harder in this language. But, If I could get better speak Spanish, I would like to study more and more. Because, Spanish is getting popular and important language in the world. And also, I have friends who speak Spanish. We met in Canada.
Outside of school, I'm working in cafe 3~4 times a week which name is Tully's Coffee. And also, I love shopping and watching movies at home by myself.I really want to make friends all over the world. So, I will study English more and more in this University and I want to communicate with everyone in the world.
Thank you for reading my introduce.
Friday, May 9, 2008
last night
i sad from now?????
she sad yes...and we r already near your home...
my friends pic me up in 2 min from phone call...
at that time i was whating TV and relaxing.
so i didnt want to go out but they came to my house so i had to go with them...
but it was soooo fun.
we got heisei kouen and play pasketball and tag and did lots of things.
my friends and me likes without useing money.
so always doing like that play or drive to never got place.
sometimes we go to drink same members.
i got home at 5 am...
i had class today at 10 40..
i just slept 3 hours...
but its okay i had good time with them^^
i was looking for present but, i found for me a prity t-shrts!!!lol
its difficult to buy for someone.
i had to buy 3 present.
one is for mother from me, one is for mum from my brother... and one is for my mum's sister who doesnt have kid so, she is my secound mum for my brothers.
every mother's day we give to her too.
i found nice present for them^^
but took 4 hours to found presents.
im got tired...haha
i hope they will like it!
i cooked omurice, roll caggege, and salad.
omurice is egg on fried rice.
the taste is ketchup and soy sauce.
i love omerice very much.
i forgot to take pics...
i wanted to up...
my dad and mum sad good!!!
i thought, i should cook sometimes for mum!!
Book review
the jungle isnt existence reality.
kids had mimagical key for go to jungle.
in jungle waitting lots of trap them.
they encounter alligater, smaik...etc...
and they lost way to get home.
they met men and women in jungle and also they lost way, too.
after met them, they found place of go home.
this book was interesting^^
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
from osaka
my friends and me got together for dring near our home town.
i saw him very long time!!!
but, i had work next day at eary morning so, i couldnt stay long.
i was happy to meet him even sort time^^
nothing special.
as same as every day...
but, in GW everywhere crowded by people so, if i had day off, i think i dont go anywhere so, its okay^^
also, youme town was very crowded every day.
lots of people...
tully's was busy,too.
it is good for Tully's^^lol
English News paper
it is really tought for me...
i dont have vocabulary so, lots of befficult word and gramer there.
but, bust looking news paper is interesting.
i hope i can read news paper easyly near futer!!